Atema resort fireworks festival

Atema Highland Resort Fireworks (Echigo-Tsumari Snow Fireworks)
3rd of March 2018

The Tokamachi Atema resort fireworks Snow Festival is held annually on the first Saturday of March.
This festival is known for using the biggest firework rockets in the world.

Located in the mountainous interior of Niigata Prefecture, the city of Tokamachi experiences one of the highest snowfall rates in Japan, with snow often piling up to a height of two meters or more. The hardship caused by these large amounts of snow are partly the cause for the depopulation trend that this rural area has been suffering under. To counteract the negative aspect of this , Tokomachi is doing its best to do amazing things with this abundance of snow. From the creation of wonderful and huge snow sculptures to impeding millions of sparkling lights in the fields of snow to create the most other worldly effects.


Atema resort fireworks Festival
Atema resort fireworks Festival
Atema resort fireworks Festival